Adam Hardy on 21/10/08 14:12, wrote:
I have an Action and corresponding JSP form with the property "portfolio".

In my JSP, I have this JSTL tag test:

<c:if test="${not empty portfolio and gt 0}"> stuff </c:if>

which works fine for my purposes. But then when I submit the form and validation fails and myAction.portfolio is not initialized, Struts2 injects the portfolio request parameter into the requestAttributes.

Now my JSP blows up because:

${portfolio} = "0"


${not empty portfolio} = true

and then

${} ----> javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property 'id' not found on type java.lang.Character

What influence can I have over this injection behaviour?

Or perhaps, can I reformulate my test so that I can tell whether my "${portfolio}" is a string or a bean?

Solved the issue by writing a JSTL function to do the checks.

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