Try turning off the loading text.

It's a guess, but it sounds similar to the loadingText bug due to Dojo in IE. If the target div contains the source form and loadingText enabled, the loadingText overwrites the form before the its new values are read. Details are mentioned several times in this mailing list.

On 29/01/2009, at 3:50 PM, Robert Dietrick wrote:


I have a page which uses a tabbedPanel with three tabs.  In each of
the three tabs, I load a separate div:
<s:tabbedPanel id="profileTabs">
        <s:div id="profile_personal" label="Personal"
href="%{viewProfileUrl}" theme="ajax" cssClass="tab"></s:div>
        <s:div id="profile_privacy" label="Privacy"
href="%{viewUserPrefsUrl}" theme="ajax" cssClass="tab"></s:div>
        <s:div id="profile_game_prefs" label="Game Prefereces"
href="%{viewGamePrefsUrl}" theme="ajax" cssClass="tab"></s:div>

In each of the tabbed divs, there is a form which uses the ajax theme
and targets the div in which the for resides.  E.g.,

<s:form action="updateProfile" theme="ajax" >
<s:textfield name="user.firstName" label="First name" />
<s:submit theme="ajax" targets="profile_personal" value="Save" />

Under IE (6 & 7), when I modify the data in the form fields and submit
the form, somehow the original form data (before my modifications) is
being sent to the server.  Has anyone seen this before?



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