Hi Musachy,

I'm adding it in my action.

That's why it gets overwritten - because when Action's method returns, struts calls for the Result, presumably re-creating it even though it's there.

I don't understand why because there appears to be the code to provide an existing Result rather than recreating it, I just haven't delved as far into the underbelly of the struts mechanism calling the ActionInvocation#getResult().

Musachy Barroso on 04/02/09 19:07, wrote:
Lets take one step back, are you adding this param in an interceptor
or in your action?


On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 1:49 PM, Adam Hardy
<ahardy.str...@cyberspaceroad.com> wrote:
Now that 2.1.6 won't let me add to the resultConfig to add my redirect
httpParameters myself, I figured I'd have to obtain the actual Result

The way that DefaultActionInvocation is programmed to do this though makes
it impossible, despite the Javadocs explicitly stating otherwise e.g.

Then I can't call the create result method since it's not on the interface.

Even when I cast the ActionInvocation and call the create method and
faithfully add my redirect parameter, the result gets overwritten later

It looks like I must downgrade from here - unless anyone can think of
another way of programmatically adding the parameters to the redirect URL.


Adam Hardy on 04/02/09 16:34, wrote:
 From the ActionConfig.Builder#build() javadoc:

"The builder for this object.  An instance of this object is the only way
to construct a new instance.  The purpose is to enforce the immutability of
the object.  The methods are structured in a way to support chaining. After
setting any values you need, call the {...@link #build()} method to create
the object."

I assume there was some issue behind the scenes with robustness.

For the long term it would be good to have an official struts method to
set the HTTP params programmatically.

What I'm going to do now is code up a Result class to extend
ServletActionRedirectResult - someone give me a shout if I'm barking up the
wrong tree.


Adam Hardy (struts) on 04/02/09 15:16, wrote:
I'm prevented from adding my redirect parameter programmatically with


Map<String, ResultConfig> resultsMap =
ResultConfig config = resultsMap.get(resultName);
Map<String, String> params = config.getParams();
params.put(paramName, paramValue.toString());
   at java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableMap.put(Collections.java:1285)

Or am I jumping to conclusions again?


--- original message author="Musachy Barroso"
I think just need to pass a string, instead of an object in the value

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 10:37 AM, Adam Hardy wrote:

got a compilation error after upgrading from 2.0.11 to 2.1.6 due to
in com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.entities.ResultConfig

I am doing this:

  public boolean addRedirectParameter(String resultName, String
      Object paramValue)
      Map<String, ResultConfig> resultsMap =

      ResultConfig config = resultsMap.get(resultName);
      if (config == null)
          return false;
          config.addParam(paramName, paramValue);  // 2.1.6 COMPILE
          return true;

which I can call in my actions in order to put another parameter onto
redirect URL of my result.

In 2.1.6, ResultConfig has no addParam() method anymore.

After checking the upgrade troubleshooting guide and the user lists, it
seems nobody else is suffering from this problem. Could somebody give me an
 idea how to deal with this?

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