Musachy Barroso wrote:
> yeah, the for loop is just to illustrate the point. The #context
> thingie will work in any version
       okay, well, as i just noted in my response to wes, i clearly
must've boneheaded something else when i tried it the first time,
because the simple, un-overthought approach,

<s:url id="myurl" ...
<s:a href="%{#myurl}" ...

    worked perfectly.  for some reason, i came to believe that i
*needed* to see each individual reference in the context, after the
s:iterate completed its work, but so long as the s:url's id is "unique"
to each iteration, that works just fine.  *and* makes my code even that
much more readable/maintainable!

    thanks very much, musachy!

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