Hey Wes --

Travel and paper is so 80's bro.  Have you considered an online format?  I
think a five day session where 2-3 are basics and the remaining 2-3 are
advanced topics would be flexible.  This way you could price the two
separately and allow clients one or both enrollments.  As far as course
materials goes, I think S2iA and your S2iP would be great resources, and
hey, they are already written and have labs!  The marketing piece is outside
my area of expertise.  I was a corporate trainer for several years and would
be interested in pair-teaching with you if this pans out.


On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 7:54 AM, Wes Wannemacher <w...@wantii.com> wrote:

> Hello fellow-struts-ers,
> I have been toying with the notion of hosting a struts training, but
> I'm not convinced that it is a good business move for me. I am
> wondering about a few things and figured who better to ask than the
> community... Questions / Discussion Topics -
> 1.) I'm in Ohio, US, so naturally this is where I would want to host
> it, but I'm not sure if there would be enough interest to get people
> to actually fly here. I have been working out of Dayton which has a
> large airport and plenty of hotels (that I could probably work out a
> deal on a discount), is that enough or is there another area (SF, NY)
> where I might be better off traveling myself to host something.
> 2.) What topics would you guys pay to learn? I think there are a few
> what I would call basic struts2 trainings available I've seen... If I
> (as one of the committers) were to host a training, would basic be
> okay, or would you guys want something more advanced? If so, what sort
> of topics would you guys want to see?
> 3.) How should I advertise something like this? Obviously there are
> google keywords and an announce list (I think there is an announce
> list), but I think there are more than a few large-ish companies using
> Struts 2 or WebWork and I would want to reach into there and I don't
> think a lot of those users don't participate in the mailing lists,
> etc.
> 4.) Training format... I've been to training in classrooms where all I
> had was a notebook (actual paper, not laptop/notebook) and other
> trainings in classrooms with PCs. For a Struts training, which would
> people prefer?
> Anyhow, I'm invoking the lazy friday and hopefully no one gets too
> angry about my off-topic spam.
> -Wes
> --
> Wes Wannemacher
> Author - Struts 2 In Practice
> Includes coverage of Struts 2.1, Spring, JPA, JQuery, Sitemesh and more
> http://www.manning.com/wannemacher
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