Hi Fabio,
using session for storing such data is ok,
so after putting a dipendente object into a session under key
You can call it on jsp like this: (extra space is added!)

< s:property value="%{#session.loggedDipendiente.firstName.nome}" />

Mabe only #session.loggedDipendiente.firstName.nome will work too,
you have to try it.

Best greetings,
Paweł Wielgus.

2010/5/14 Fabio Perfetti <perfabi...@gmail.com>:
> Hi all, i am a newbie of struts. Before to start i want to say sorry for my
> bad english. I looked for any forum/blogs in my language (italian) :(
> I am developing a project for a university course.
> the first page is a login form, if the login success i have to show the
> index of a nurse or a doctor. It depends from the account.
> For do this i used a interceptor and all work...
> Now i want that every page show the information about the worker, for
> example the name, the surname and the id.
> At the same time i want to do other action for example search patient,
> insert new, open a new medical record about a patient ... but any page must
> show the information of the nurse!
> How can i do? The principal problem is choose the action class.
> Thanks
> Fabio Perfetti

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