
I'm using Struts2.2.1 and have a form using the xhtml theme which performs some 
simple javascript validation (required, etc...).
Works great.
Now, after the simple javascript validation executes I would like to add some 
more validation to the onsubmit event.
Apart from modifying a template, I couldn't see how this could be achieved 
If you include the validation in the form onsubmit attribute, it is prepended 
to the dynamically generated javascript validation function name. 

For example:
<s:form action="MyAction" namespace="/mynamespace" theme="xhtml" 
validate="true" onsubmit="return myValidation()">

produces the following markup.

<form id="Myaction" 
         onsubmit="return myValidation(); return validateForm_MyAction();" 
         action="/scname/mynamespace/MyAction.html" method="post"  

As is evident, this won't work for me. 

I want to leverage the dynamically generated Javascript validation when 
validate="true". If that validation succeeds, then I want to execute some 
proprietary validation.

I also know the name of the dynamically generated javascript method so I could 
call it in myValidation();

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



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