Your questions are too difficult!  Can you please rephrase?


On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 4:25 PM, Wes Wannemacher <> wrote:

> Does anyone know of a good trick to detect whether a new window or tab
> was opened by the user...
> Here is the scenario, a user is looking at a view and he/she
> right-clicks one of the links and chooses to open the link in a new
> tab or window. The original view and the new tab or window will share
> the session, but I'd like to know that there are two windows (or tabs)
> interacting with the site.
> I thought about trying to track the referrers as requests come in, but
> I get stumped when I realize that a user can re-visit a page.
> There are some javascript mechanisms, but by the time I can detect
> from javascript that a window is new, the response is already being
> rendered (committed).
> Here is one link I found, but the code is poorly formatted making the
> example difficult to follow -
> -Wes
> --
> Wes Wannemacher
> Head Engineer, WanTii, Inc.
> Need Training? Struts, Spring, Maven, Tomcat...
> Ask me for a quote!
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