"Though his eyes could see he still was a blind man" lol

On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 10:27 AM, Eric Lentz <eric.le...@sherwin.com> wrote:

> I'm now buying what you're selling. I did have a misunderstanding about
> when the JSP is called relative to validation. I once was blind, but now I
> see. Thanks for clearing that up. I now see how to make the application
> work correctly.
> BTW, I do know about redirectAction, and use it normally. I would argue
> that "most" applications use this though (maybe they do, but not in my
> experience consulting with many companies). I see a lot of them that do
> not. I think that pattern isn't well understood by many web developers. I
> try to tell everyone that will listen.
> Thanks for the help. My problem appears to be solved! prepare() is my
> friend.

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