Hi Francesco,
Cool, I've just created SYNCOPE-971.
> the problem is that, as far as I can tell, such clauses are DBMS-dependent.
We can solve it using jpql LOWER ou UPPER function, i.e. 
LOWER(givenName) = LOWER('Martin')

I can try to implement it, but I don't know for now if it is possible to 
introduce either : * custom operator in FIQL (i.e. some eqi operator like : 
givenName eqi Martin) * introduce custom functions in FIQL (i.e. uc(givenName) 
== uc(Martin))

      De : Francesco Chicchiriccò <ilgro...@apache.org>
 À : user@syncope.apache.org 
 Envoyé le : Lundi 21 novembre 2016 13h25
 Objet : Re: User case insensitive search

 On 21/11/2016 12:59, Adrian Gonzalez wrote:
  I'd like to execute a case insensitive search in Syncope. 
  i.e. querying all users with an attribute givenName that matches  'martin' 
would return : Martin martin mArtin 
  Is there a way to do this with a Fiql search ? i.e. something like 
UPPER(givenName) = UPPER('martin') ? 
  If no are there other ways to do this ? If no, I can always store givenName 
attribute in 2 different attributes (i.e. the real givenName attribute and a 
givenNameCaseInsensitive attribute to store it in lowercase), but I would like 
to avoid it if possible.  
 Hi Adrian,
 I confirm that currently it is *not* possible to perform case insensitive 
 Nevertheless, it would be a nice feature to add: essentially, one should be 
adding 'lowercase()' clauses to the native SQL queries manage by [1]: the 
problem is that, as far as I can tell, such clauses are DBMS-dependent.
 Would you mind creating an improvement on JIRA for this?
 Naturally, contributions are welcome ;-)
Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail


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