On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 4:36 PM, Francesco Chicchiriccò
<ilgro...@apache.org> wrote:
> but essentially, the "mandatory condition" can be specified both at Schema
> level (hence value(s) must be provided globally) or at mapping level (hence
> value(s) must be provided when provisioning to / from that external
> resource).

Ok, that's clear.
But that doesn't explain why email wouldn't propagate from my CSVDir
source into Syncope when the mandatory flag was false?

> Anyway, as commented there, the real issue in only about the failure to
> report the error message to Admin UI; the rest is about the way how the
> ConnId CSVDir bundle works, so not any Syncope issue.

So, you suggest I turn to Connid now for my functional issues with CSVDir?


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