On 21/07/2018 13:44, Wyllys Ingersoll wrote:
I followed the guide and have setup using the docker containers from
docker-hub apache/syncope, not maven.

I setup a 2nd database and redeployed the core and the console apps.
Now I ca see the new domain when I query the /rest/domains endpoint.

At this point I can even login to the new domain and get a token, so I
have gotten further than when I wrote the original question to the
list here.

The issue now is that the admin UI (syncope-console) displays both
domains in the drop-down widget on the login page, but even if I
select the new domain and use the right credentials, it still logs
into the Master domain, not the new one.

This sounds quite odd: could you please clear out Core and Console logs, then attempt to log in to the new domain from the Admin Console?

Hopefully you'll get some stacktrace which should explain such a behavior.


On Sat, Jul 21, 2018 at 6:38 AM, Francesco Chicchiriccò
<ilgro...@apache.org> wrote:
On 20/07/2018 19:15, Wyllys Ingersoll wrote:
Im trying to get multiple domains configured in Syncope 2.1.0, I've
read the docs and have created a 2nd set of files under the "domains"
directory and the system seems to recognize them and connects to their

I was able to add the domain adminPassword using the "POST /domains"
API using an account that had the correct DOMAIN_* entitlements, but
the new domain still doesnt show up as an option in the main
syncope-console login UI.

I can login using the REST api via curl using the new admin:password
combination along with the new realm in the X-Syncope-Domain header
and get a token, so at least that much seems to be working.

How do I make the 2nd domain appear as a choice for the web console
login screen?  It still only shows "Master" as the option.

Hi Wyllys,
thanks of your interest in Apache Syncope.

I guess you've been following [1], correct?
As you can read from there, at the moment adding a new domain involves two

1. add some configuration files and redeploy the Core - this also requires
to specify a DBMS to use as internal storage for new domain's data
2. create new admin credentials

I understand you succeeded with latter, but I think there might be problem
with former step.

Adding the configuration files highly depends on how you obtained Syncope:
as from Maven archetype, then it's obviously under
core/src/main/resources/domains - and then rebuild and redeploy; for other
distributions it might be a bit tricky.

If you want to check, just see if

curl -u admin:password -H "Accept: application/json"

returns an empty array or not; you might also use Swagger UI for such a

Additionally, you can inspect if the Syncope tables were created in the DBMS
specified as above.

If both checks fail - as I suspect - this means that Syncope is not picking
your new configuration files: depending on your distribution, I can suggest
how to do that.


[1] http://syncope.apache.org/docs/reference-guide.html#domains-management

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

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