Hey All,

We are working on upgrading from Syncope 2.0.6 to 2.0.14 and have run into
an issue.  We have a custom UI that we use to allow admin to create users
within specific realms.  The user will then get the Account Created email
template and will be taken to our custom branded UI to set their own
password and Security Question/Answer.  When we created the user initially
we set a default encoded password based on a template/salt, when the user
sets their password/security question and answer we are calling the
user-self patch API to update password, security question/answer and must
change password flag all in one shot.  In 2.0.14 now it seems we can not
longer call any of the user-self APIs while the must change password flag is
set other than the mustChangePassword end point.  When we try hitting that
API it seems like everything is working as expected within Syncope, the must
change password flag is properly updated and the new password is set.  The
issue seems to be with the Propagation Task to our LDAP server, ApacheDS. 
After the update I see the propagation task is fired and the update for must
change password was successfully propagated but the new password was not. 
Because of this the user is not able to login though our SSO engine which
connects to the LDAP for authentication.  Any thoughts on why the
propagation task is not sending the password?

Justin Isenhour

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