On 20/07/20 07:04, Stephen Ingram wrote:
> After going through getting the installer to work, I'm now reading that the 
> only way to get all of the extensions included is to apparently build syncope 
> with maven.

Not necessarily, deb packages and Docker images are also built with all 
available extensions enabled.

> Looking at the documentation, there seems like several ways to go about this 
> and they are quite different. If I'm looking to just get a build with all of 
> the extensions included, but not everything pre-configured like the 
> standalone version, should I just generate the archetype, run the mvn clean 
> install and then mvn deploy to tomcat?

As you can read from


you will need to build the project as indicated, e.g. with 'all' profile 
selected: this will generate WAR artifacts with all extensions enabled.

Then you can run the project as further indicated; this will match exactly what 
you have with standalone distribution, including test data and in-memory 

In case you want to deploy into an external Java EE container with persistence 
on a real DBMS, you will need to follow the indications in


especially about the build command to use with Maven, that is not the same 
reported above.

> Also, does syncope support a Kerberos connection to PostgreSQL for the DB? 
> I've used Kerberos in tomcat before for web app authentication, but not quite 
> sure if it's supported for the internal connection to the database.

The connection from Syncope to the configured internal storage (which can be 
PostgreSQL) does not use Kerberos in any form

Moreover, Syncope relies on ConnId for provisioning connectors, and AFAICT 
there is no connector (yet?) for Kerberos.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

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