If you are mainly looking at this from a “mapper” and “reducer” perspective, 
there are 2 main ways in which Tez affects parallelism: 

i) For the mapper, the no. of maps is effectively governed by how many splits 
are created and how are splits assigned to tasks. The initial split creation is 
controlled by the InputSplitFormat. Tez then looks at the cluster capacity to 
decide whether the no. of splits are optimal. For example, the InputFormat 
could create 1000 splits which would imply a 1000 tasks. However, if the max 
no. of containers that can be launched is only 50, this would imply 20 waves of 
tasks for the full stage/vertex to complete. So in this case, if grouping is 
enabled, Tez tries and re-shuffles the splits to around 1.5 waves ( 1.5 is 
configurable ) but also ensures that splits are kept within a bounded range 
with respect to the amount of data being processed. For example, if each split 
was processing 1 TB of data, there is no need to group splits as 1 TB is 
already too large. Whereas if each split was 1 MB, then Tez will likely end 
bundling up more and more splits to be processed by a single task until a min 
limit is reached on a per task basis. Disabling grouping would allow you to 
control no. of tasks by configuring the InputSplit as needed to a more static 

2) For reducers, the main problem everyone has is that today you could 
configure a 1000 reducers but the mappers generated only 10 MB of data in 
total. This could be processed by a single reducer. Tez monitors the data being 
generated from the mappers and dynamically tries to decide how many reducers it 
can scale down to. This is the auto-reduce parallelism that Jeff referred to in 
his email earlier. Again, a static configuration for the reducer stage i.e 
setParallelism() and disabling auto-reduce would stop Tez from making any 
runtime changes. 

To answer your first question, each stage/vertex is governed by its own 
VertexManager which in the end is user-code ( most of the common ones are 
implemented within the framework but can be overridden if needed). These VMs 
can be as dumb or as complex as possible and can make runtime decisions. There 
are certain points in the processing up to which the VM can tweak parallelism. 
After a certain point, parallelism becomes final ( due to the requirement that 
failures need to be handled in a deterministic manner such that re-running a 
task results in the same data output each time around ).

— Hitesh

On Aug 19, 2015, at 3:24 AM, Raajay Viswanathan <raaja...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am just getting started with Tez and need some clarification about the 
> logical to physical DAG conversion in Tez. Does Tez convert a Logical DAG to 
> physical DAG at one go or are the number of mappers and reducers for a stage 
> determined only when the stage is ready to run ?
> Also, what are some rules of thumb regarding the number of mappers/reducers 
> for a stage ? I would ideally like to fix the #mappers / #reducers in the 
> application itself rather than let Tez determine it. What are the common 
> pitfalls in doing so ?
> Thanks,
> Raajay

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