The .dot file is generated into the Tez Application Master’s container log dir. 
Firstly, you need to figure out the yarn application in which the query/Tez DAG 
ran. Once you have the applicationId, you can use one of these 2 approaches: 

1) Go to the YARN ResourceManager UI, find the application and click through to 
the Application Master logs. The .dot file for the dag should be visible there.
2) Using the application Id ( if the application has completed), get the yarn 
logs using “bin/yarn logs -applicationId <appId>” - once you have the logs, you 
will be able to find the contents of the .dot file within them. This approach 
only works if you have YARN log aggregation enabled.

— Hitesh

On Sep 30, 2015, at 5:29 PM, James Pirz <> wrote:

> I am using Tez 0.7.0 on Hadopp 2.6 to run Hive queries.
> I am interested in checking DAGs for my queries visually, and I realized that 
> I can do that by graphviz once I can get "dot" files of my DAGs. My issue is 
> I can not find those files, they are not in the log directory of Yarn or 
> Hadoop or under /tmp .
> Any hint as where I can find those files would be great. Do I need to add any 
> settings to my tez-site.xml in-order to enable generating them ?
> Thanks. 

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