Like Rohini said, this could be done with 2 vertices reading each input in 
parallel (so effectively the same as one larger vertex reading both inputs from 
parallelism POV). Then the merge and group by happening in the third 
(effectively second) vertex.


This plan makes it simpler to reason, reuse and modify the graph building 
process in automated systems like Pig.


One could also create a single vertex with 2 MR inputs and do the reading and 
merging in that vertex and the group by in the second one. This would mean 
creating custom input initializer and manager for that vertex to determine the 
input distribution etc.


Which one to choose? If the map side merge significantly reduces the shuffle 
data to the group by vertex, thus resulting in perf benefits, then one could 
explore the second plan.




From: Piyush Narang [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2017 3:42 PM
Subject: Re: Reading from multiple paths in a single Tez node


Thanks a ton, Rohini. I'll take a look at that. 


On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 3:34 PM, Rohini Palaniswamy < 
<> > wrote:

In Pig, we implement this by doing 3 vertices.  Vertex1 (Load with Combiner), 
Vertex2 (Load with Combiner)  -> Vertex3 (Group by). Vertex1 and Vertex2 are 
made part of a VertexGroup (logical abstraction and not a real vertex), so that 
their output is seen as one single output by Vertex 3.  This approach also 
works well if Vertex1 and Vertex2 were intermediate vertices and not root 
vertices with MRInput.
 (Plan using VertexGroup and 3 vertices)
  (This is the unoptimized plan with 4 vertices which is similar to your 
current cascading plan)



On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 3:20 PM, Piyush Narang < 
<> > wrote:

Thanks for getting back Rohini and Siddharth. To provide some context, we have 
two input vertices each reading lzo thrift data from a different path on hdfs. 
We then merge 
the data from the two vertices and then groupBy and some aggregations one of 
the fields. In MR, the reading from the 2 inputs and the merge happens on the 
mappers and the group + aggregations on the reducers. In case of Tez we have 
the merge on a different vertex and the group + aggregations on a different 
vertex (with Cascading choosing scatter gather edges in both cases). Exploring 
if it would be possible to combine the merge with the groupBy in Cascading. I 
was wondering if the MultiMRInput would have been an option in cases where we 
read from 2 or more sources and follow that up with a merge. That might be an 
option to explore if we're not able to collapse the merge and groupBy. 


On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 9:14 AM, Siddharth Seth < 
<> > wrote:

What operations are being performed by these vertices? If there's no advantage 
of reading multiple sources in a single task - using separate vertices is 
preferable. At least for Hive, when it read multiple sources in the same 
vertex, it had to perform some tagging etc for the reduce side to differentiate 
the inputs.

MultiMRInput can be used for public consumption. Like Rohini mentioned, it is 
used for SMB joins in Hive. IIRC, hive ends up setting this up to read multiple 
buckets within the same vertex/task.

Also - it is possible to hook multiple MRInputs into a single vertex. That will 
require a custom vertex manager to figure out the parallelism, and how splits 
from these sources are to be combined. Hive does this for SMB joins, where 
it'll send a single bucket / groups of buckets from different sources to the 
same task. (Both sides ordered, and bucketed - so it's possible to do a merge 
join in this vertex).



On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 5:37 PM, Piyush Narang < 
<> > wrote:

hi folks,


While debugging the DAG generated by a Scalding / Cascading job, I noticed that 
in Tez we end up with two input vertices - one vertex for each input path. In 
case of Hadoop on the other hand we end up with our map phase reading from both 
input datasets. Is this supported in Tez? I noticed that Cascading is currently 
using MRInput 
  to set up its Tez inputs. I wasn't sure if we could use MultiMRInput 
  to read from multiple input directories in the same vertex in Tez or if it 
has a different purpose. If we can use it, is it safe for public consumption? 
(noticed it is still annotated with @Evolving). 





- Piyush




- Piyush




- Piyush

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