Thanks for the reply, I will try it out.

On 24.08.2011 15:43, Jake Farrell wrote:
I wrote this wrapper awhile ago around the c++ client, this was before the 
c_glib client was fully available. Should be easy enough to add into your 
project if you need it right away.

On Aug 24, 2011, at 8:30 AM, Michał Ziemba wrote:


I would like to use thrift's c_glib library to generate code that allows
me to send log messages from C programs to Facebook's scribe. I managed
to generate some code with scribe.thrift specification, and have written
a client code that should send a message to a local scribe instance.

I am using TBinaryProtocol and TFramedTransport (as needed by scribe),
and as a result the message is sent but scribe produces an error:

Thrift: Wed Aug 24 13:57:38 2011 TConnection:workSocket() Negative frame
size -2147418111, remote side not using TFramedTransport?

As you can see in the client code below, I am actually using
TFramedTransport, am I?
What can be the problem?
I am using thrift 0.6.1 and scribe 2.2 on a debian squeeze machine.

     /* create a ThriftSocket */
     tsocket = g_object_new(THRIFT_TYPE_SOCKET, "hostname", "localhost",
                            "port", 1464, NULL);

     /* create ThriftFramedTransport */
     transport = g_object_new(THRIFT_TYPE_FRAMED_TRANSPORT, "transport",
                              THRIFT_TRANSPORT(tsocket), NULL);

     thrift_framed_transport_open(transport, NULL);

     /* create a ThriftBinaryProtocol */
     tb = g_object_new(THRIFT_TYPE_BINARY_PROTOCOL, "transport",
                       tsocket, NULL);
     protocol = THRIFT_PROTOCOL(tb);
     assert(protocol != NULL);

     /* create a Scribe message */
     message = g_object_new(TYPE_LOG_ENTRY, "category", "test_category",
                            "message", "test message from C", NULL);

     messages = g_ptr_array_new();

     /* create a Scribe Client */
     client = g_object_new(TYPE_SCRIBE_CLIENT, "input_protocol",
                           protocol, "output_protocol", protocol, NULL);

     iface = SCRIBE_IF(client);

     scribe_client_log(iface, result, messages,&err);

Thanks for any help,

Michał Ziemba

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