Well, I'm using the download link on http://thrift.apache.org/download/ for the 
.tar.gz bundle.  I've tried -- hard -- to navigate the jira page but am having 
a hard time finding the list of resolved issues by release version.  There is 
no indication in the READMEs in the distro I downloaded of whether additional 
flags need to be set for perl to be installed to a non-default location.

For php, the README says:


But this looks more like a way to use thrift php once it is installed. 

If you can point me to additional documentation that specifies these details, 
I'd appreciate it; but I also suspect many users would find it helpful if they 
were in thrift's READMEs. 



From: Dmitriy Kargapolov [dmitriy.kargapo...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 11:15 AM
To: user@thrift.apache.org
Subject: Re: installing Thrift

On 08/25/2011 12:07 PM, Sammons, Mark wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm trying to install Thrift v0.7.0 on a linux box running CENTOS 5.6.  I 
> don't have sudo/root access, so want to install thrift to a non-default 
> location.
> The perl and php install locations don't appear to be set by the --PREFIX 
> config option, and there doesn't appear to be documentation indicating what 
> flags or environment variables should be set to override their defaults; 
> please either let me know directly or point me to the relevant docs.
> Thanks,
> Mark
I see number of tickets dedicated to this and already resolved!
THRIFT-534, THRIFT-528, THRIFT-1104....
Is this still an issue?

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