Hello thrift users,

I'm gonna use thrift for RPC between a cpp server and an ocaml client,

Between SVN of 20110418 and today, the lib/ocaml has ceased to build.
I mean it did build on april 18, not today.

the changeset is really small:

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diff -ur thrift-svn-20110418/lib/ocaml/src/Thrift.ml 
--- thrift-svn-20110418/lib/ocaml/src/Thrift.ml 2011-04-13 18:38:21.000000000 
+++ thrift-svn/lib/ocaml/src/Thrift.ml  2011-08-03 16:10:25.000000000 +0200
@@ -292,6 +292,8 @@
   let typ_of_i = function
       0l -> UNKNOWN
@@ -300,6 +302,8 @@
     | 3l -> WRONG_METHOD_NAME
     | 4l -> BAD_SEQUENCE_ID
     | 5l -> MISSING_RESULT
+    | 61 -> INTERNAL_ERROR
+    | 71 -> PROTOCOL_ERROR
     | _ -> raise Thrift_error;;
   let typ_to_i = function
     | UNKNOWN -> 0l
@@ -308,6 +312,8 @@
     | WRONG_METHOD_NAME -> 3l
     | BAD_SEQUENCE_ID -> 4l
     | MISSING_RESULT -> 5l
+    | INTERNAL_ERROR -> 61
+    | PROTOCOL_ERROR -> 71
   class t =
   object (self)

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and the way the build fail today should not be overly complicated to fix for 
peoples in the know :

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philou@air:~/src/thrift-svn/lib/ocaml$ make
cd src; make; cd ..
ocamlopt -c -thread Thrift.ml
File "Thrift.ml", line 305, characters 6-8:
Error: This pattern matches values of type int
       but a pattern was expected which matches values of type int32

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Thanks for thrift developpers, it's the only RPC mechanism out there which 
generate stubs who does no makes me throw up when I look at the output :-)


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