On Tue, 13 Apr 2021, Subhajit Das wrote:
The Tika Docker image (full) uses ‘ttf-mscorefonts-installer’. The licence used by it is Microsoft licence and dosen’t seems to allow commercial use.

Can any please confirm if it is ok to use? Or should a customized version to be used for production?

Licensing of docker images can be complex... There's the licenses of each image layer's dockerfile, the licenses of the things those image layers pull in, and possibly a license for the resulting image.

Depending on if you publish a certain layer, or just use it locally, the distribution clause in a lot of licenses may or may not get triggered. Not all docker image hosting services fully comply with all license terms, eg providing the source for hosted GPL binaries. It's complicated, and fairly easy to end up in hot water if you don't do your due diligence!

If you have very specific needs, I would suggest finding a base image you are happy with license-wise, then grab just the Tika components you want on top of that. Use our dockerfile as a guide of how to install and run Tika.

Apache Tika itself, and all required dependencies are available under the Apache License v2 or similar, see https://www.apache.org/legal/resolved.html for the general policy we work to. Some of the command line tools we can call out to, and things they use, may be under other licenses (especially copyleft ones), but those are all optional.


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