On Fri, 18 Feb 2022, Willy T. Koch wrote:
Den Tor 17 feb 2022, kl. 20:00, skrev Nick Burch:
Tika devs - any thoughts on this? It's a pretty small code change (we
already have the data on the mime type!), just need feedback on extending
the existing API vs adding a new one

By also returning the default/most commonly used file extension, Apache Tika in Docker will be the perfect security companion for SaaS solutions.

To be able to verify all files before they are archived will prevent different errors down the line, like with PDF conversion and document production.

OK, this is now implemented. Should be in 2.3.1 or 2.4, whatever the next release is.

You will need to make an additional request to /mime-types/{type}/{subtype} eg /mime-types/application/cbor to get the full details on the type. You ought to be able to cache that though in case it helps.

See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TIKA-3694 for a bit more detail and the example JSON you'll get


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