Hi, Qiao,

This is a defect, would you please help to file a JIRA?

I can reproduce it, will make some investigation on this issue.

One workaround for you is to change the DDL a little:
  uid VARCHAR(255) to VARCHAR(254)

Hope it works for you.


From: 乔彦克 [mailto:qya...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 6:23 PM
To: user@trafodion.incubator.apache.org
Subject: create table failed

Now I've got new problems. Since I have date in my columns, I want to try the 
division feature of trafodion.
I use the bellow sql to create tables, but only get these errors
 "*** ERROR[29157] There was a problem reading from the server
*** ERROR[29160] The message header was not long enough
*** ERROR[29157] There was a problem reading from the server
*** ERROR[29160] The message header was not long enough".
can someone help me or show me error, many thanks.

  sid varchar(255) CHARACTER SET UTF8 NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  v_date timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
  uid varchar(255)  CHARACTER SET UTF8 NOT NULL,
  vid int unsigned NOT NULL,
  stime int unsigned NOT NULL,
  etime int unsigned NOT NULL,
  pid bigint  NOT NULL,
  cnum int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  enum int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 primary key (sid,v_date desc,uid,vid)
salt using 4 partitions on (sid,v_date,uid,vid)
division by (date_trunc('day', v_date))
MEMSTORE_FLUSH_SIZE = '1073741824');"

Any reply is appreciated!
Thank you.

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