
There is a good article describing how Tuscany 1.x supports distributed SCA composite deployment.



From: "Claus Straube" <claus.stra...@xdoo.de>
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 5:47 AM
To: <user@tuscany.apache.org>
Subject: Tuscany in a federated environment

Is tuscany ready to run in a federated environment. With federated environment I mean different runtimes (I name it zones) with heterogeneous deploments. If I've got deployed a service 'A' on zone 'One' it should transparent for me if service 'B' is deployed on zone 'One' or 'Two' if want to call him. You can find the fabric3 sca implementation description here: http://www.metaform-systems.com/display/F3/Chapter+24+-+Federated+Runtimes If there is such a concept for tuscany (I don't care if version 1.x or 2.x) - is there a documentation?
Thanks in advance!
Best regards - Claus

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