
we currently (almost always) use the CPE to run our AEs (packaged as PEARs and then installed). However, we would like to start packaging our AEs differently to make it easier to also use them programatically, or e.g. include them in Solr using SolrUima. To do so we have started to modify some of our annotators so they load their resources from the classpath instead of using a file path and are getting closer to being able to package everything in JAR files.

However, the standard UIMA project structure puts things quite differently from a typical Maven layout, meaning that there's quite a bit of tweaking to make things fit with being both resolvable from the classpath and staying close to the UIMA structure. Should we just forget about uima.datapath and the /resource and /desc folders and put it all in /src/main/resources etc.? How compatible would that be with the PearPackagingMavenPlugin?

I think we will move to using UimaFit once it is released, but for some of the people here being able to have readily packaged PEAR files with descriptors that can be distributed is a big advantage that we don't want to give up.


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