On 14-10-23 09:40 AM, Piyush Paliwal wrote:
Hi Richard,

its seems to work now. Thanks. As I was only at testing stage, I forgot to
add other descriptors (OpenNlpTagger, etc) prior to that Ruta descriptor in
pipeline. Those were needed so that the CAS can find all types.

Though, its a little hectic solution (copy and paste), but is workable and
therefore is great.
I am glad that you made it work! If you want to reduce XML boilerplate, you can look at uimaFIT [1], a library offering a very nice Java API to replace XML descriptors.


[1] http://uima.apache.org/uimafit.html


On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 8:10 AM, Richard Eckart de Castilho <r...@apache.org>

On 23.10.2014, at 00:39, Piyush Paliwal <piyushpaliwa...@gmail.com> wrote:

As an example, I wish to import the following types from TypeSystem.xml
descriptor which also resides in same folder as script (both files now in
Java project).

//import the additional annotations types and alias in short name

IMPORT de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.lexmorph.type.pos.NN FROM
uima.ruta.example.TypeSystem  AS _NN;

IMPORT de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.syntax.type.constituent.PP FROM
uima.ruta.example.TypeSystem AS _PP;
I assume you are invoking Ruta via uimaFIT? If yes, then you should make
sure that uimaFIT can find all necessary type systems via the type
mechanism [1].

If you not using uimaFIT or if you have some special way to create your
CASes, make sure that when the CAS is created, all types that all your
scripts need are already loaded at that point.

UIMA does not allow to change the type system while a pipeline is running.
Thus the IMPORT declarations will normally not be interpreted when the
is executed.

I do not know how the IMPORT (type) AS (alias) is implemented. If the alias
is set up at execution time and not at CAS initialization time, it should



-- Richard


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