The preferred approach is to run the analytics as a DUCC service, and have
an application driver that feeds the service instances with incoming data.
This service would be a scalable UIMA-AS service, which could have as
many instances as are needed to keep up with the load. The driver would
use the uima-as client API to feed the service. The application driver
itself be another DUCC service.

DUCC manages the life cycle of its services, including restarting them on


On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 6:45 PM, Daniel Heinze <> wrote:

> I just installed DUCC this week and can process batch jobs.  I would like
> DUCC to initiate/manage one or more copies of the same UIMA pipeline that
> has high startup overhead and keep it/them active and feed it/them with
> documents that arrive periodically over a web service.  Any suggestions on
> the preferred way (if any) to do this in DUCC.
> Thanks / Dan

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