Hi all,

I think that LEO and uimaFIT are largely orthogonal.

While both try to make the use of UIMA easier, LEO focusses on
UIMA-AS while uimaFIT focusses on the core UIMA API.

There appear to be some overlaps between LEO and uimaFIT,
e.g. when it comes to generating descriptors. LEO appears
to be using a more heavy-weight approach by providing its
own descriptor wrapper classes where the uimaFIT factories
provide follow what I would see as a more lightweight approach.

I think it should be possible to mix uimaFIT and LEO in such
a sense that descriptors created with uimaFIT can be consumed
by LEO and uimaFIT-aware components should run nicely on LEO.


-- Richard

On 21.05.2015, at 17:19, Thomas Ginter <thomas.gin...@utah.edu> wrote:

> Hi Peter,
> That is an excellent question.  Leo was written with two goals in mind.  You 
> have touched on one of them.  
> 1.  Utilize UIMA-AS to lend scalability to our NLP processing.
> 2.  Facilitate the reuse of existing and third party code.
> Obviously it was built as a means of programmatically creating and managing 
> pipelines as UIMA-AS services, as well as managing the client side of 
> UIMA-AS, to facilitate the first goal.  Less well known is that because of 
> the second goal Leo allows you to either utilize the framework to create the 
> description for an analysis engine or aggregate engine (pipeline) but it also 
> allows you to import descriptors or description objects generated from other 
> sources.  In this way we can reuse modules, or even whole pipelines, like 
> YTEX and cTAKES, without needing to have access to the source code to insert 
> the appropriate metadata.  If you wanted to use UIMAFit to generate the 
> description object for an analysis engine and then insert that analysis 
> engine into your Leo pipeline it is also relatively easy to do so. 
> Thanks,
> Thomas Ginter
> 801-448-7676
> thomas.gin...@utah.edu
>> On May 19, 2015, at 18:49, Petr Baudis <pa...@ucw.cz> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 05:44:12PM +0000, Thomas Ginter wrote:
>>> There is also Leo which allows you to programmatically create pipelines, 
>>> launch them as UIMA-AS services, and manage types systems and clients 
>>> without having to touch any descriptor files.  You can find documentation 
>>> at the site below:
>>> http://department-of-veterans-affairs.github.io/Leo/userguide.html
>> I'm wondering how does UIMAFit and LEO fit together.  My impression
>> right now is:
>> * They both have the same goal.
>> * Mixing them in the same pipeline might get messy(?)
>> * LEO advantage is that it seamlessly works with UIMA-AS (in fact it's
>>   built around UIMA-AS).
>> * UIMAFit advantage is (if nothing else) vastly wider ecosystem.
>> Did I get this about right?
>> Thanks,
>>                              Petr Baudis

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