Egbert, thanks. I forgot to ask, what version of UIMA-AS are you using?
Also, are you using sendCAS() or sendAndReceive() API?

Have a great vacation!


On Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 9:39 AM, Egbert van der Wal <>

> Hi Jerry,
> Thanks for the suggestion. I have the feeling that it's a race condition,
> too, but since I'm doing no multi-threading myself, basically all the
> threading and synchronization should be UIMA-internal.
> Anyway, I'll have to postpone researching the issue due to going on
> vacation. When I get back I'll try to get more information with a increased
> log level, and get back to you.
> Thanks again!
> Regards,
> Egbert
> Op 25-8-2016 om 17:17 schreef Jaroslaw Cwiklik:
> Hi, I have a feeling that there might be a race condition here. In the
>> client, the timer pops and at the same time a reply is received.
>> The timout logic is resetting the CAS while its being deserialized which
>> may lead to NPE. Not 100% certain but this might be the problem.
>> Any chance you can increase UIMA log level to FINEST on the client side?
>> It
>> would log important information like the internal CAS ID  on each reply
>> which can be used to correlate events in the log.
>> -jerry
>> On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 10:18 AM, Egbert van der Wal <>
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> I'm having a problem using UIMA-AS. I have a pipeline set up that
>>> processes HTML documents in ~= 10 ms. The total time out value was
>>> initially 20 seconds, but I increased it to 120 ms at some point to avoid
>>> this problem, it seemed to help.
>>> However, sometimes the 2 minutes is still hit and a warning is shown.
>>> When
>>> this occurs, it will usually be accompanied with NullPointerExceptions in
>>> combination with Xerces, somewhere in the internals of UIMA. See the
>>> attached log-file excerpt for the errors I'm seeing. The first 5 lines
>>> are
>>> the 'normal' output, which was repeated for several thousand lines before
>>> during the succesful operation of the pipeline.
>>> The SOFA that is being sent out during this particular exception is a
>>> quite small HTML-document, just a couple of kilobytes, and it's not
>>> actually reproducible with the same document; if I run the program again
>>> it
>>> will eventually fail, but at some other point.
>>> How can I go about solving this issue? Since the part of my own code in
>>> the stacktrace is limited to the point where 'sendCAS' is called, I can't
>>> really think of any additional debugging I can do.
>>> Any suggestions are highly appreciated!
>>> Thanks,
>>> Egbert van der Wal

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