The UIMAUpdateRequestProcessor passes the text from all the
SolrInputDocument fields configured in solrconfig.xml into the UIMA's JCas
text, so in your use case you will see both the fields 'text' and 'title'
passed as text, either as a merged single text or as two separate text
fragments to be processed separately.

If you want to do some UIMA processing specific for those fields you should
set two separate UIMAUpdateRequestProcessors, one for field text calling a
dedicated UIMA pipeline and another for field title calling another UIMA

Hope this helps,

Il giorno ven 23 dic 2016 alle ore 15:47 Soumitra Mazumder <> ha scritto:

> Hi All,
>   I am working on SOLR and UIMA development assignment. where I  need to
> pass some of the SOLR  document metadata to UIMA  chain. Is there any
> concrete example on how to do SO. For example if I  have pass "title"
> information to the UIMA update processor then how can I  do it. I  am
> searching for a concrete documentation.
>   As far as SOLR is concerned I  can send document indexed field in below
> fasion.
>            <lst name="analyzeFields">
>            <bool name="merge">false</bool>
>            <arr name="fields">
>              <str>text</str>
>              <str>title</str>
>            </arr>
>          </lst>
>   how to get value of "title" from UIMA. Do I  have do create some input
> features. Please help.
> Regards
> Soumitra

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