
why do you want to remove them? I tend to keep them for better
explainability of the rule inference.

In UIMA 2, removing the annotation will mainly only influence the index.
The garbage collector will not clean them up. Well, in UIMA 3 that

If you want to remove them, there are several options. I would prefer to
either use a parent type or an annotation list. Just a quick guess...

Use a single parent type to identify temporary annotations:

DECLARE Local LeftBoundary;

DECLARE Local RightBoundary;

l:Local{-> UNMARK(l)};

Store temporary annotations in a list and remove the values of the list:


lb:LeftBoundary{-> ADD(locals, lb)};

l:locals{-> UNMARK(l)};



Am 17.04.2019 um 21:15 schrieb Nikolai Krot:
> Hi all,
> When developing rules, i often use temporary annotations. For example, to
> create an anchor, another rule will rely upon. Is there any quick way to
> delete such temporary annotations (form the document) when the annotation
> process has concluded? For the time being, I delete them individually with
> an UNMARK statement, like this:
> leftBoundary {-> UNMARK(leftBoundary)};
> If such a shortcut does not yet exist, what do you think about extending
> DECLARE statement to include an indication of such tempoary nature of the
> type, a la
> DECLARE leftBoundary as local;
> Opinions? Ideas?
> Best regards,
> Nikolai
Dr. Peter Klügl
R&D Text Mining/Machine Learning

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