
I wonder if the name of the annotator might be an issue.  In general, a class
name cannot have "." (periods) as part of the name - those are used to refer to
the package name, and the package name parts are set up as hierarchically nested
folders (each part corresponding to a segment of the name between periods
(except for the last segment which is the class name).

If that's not the issue, another thing to check is whether or not the classpath
for the project has been set up.  The Component Descriptor Editor makes the
assumption that the place where you're defining the descriptor is an Eclipse
project, which has a "build path" (eclipse terminology) set up to include the
annotator class.


On 5/14/2019 4:52 PM, Benedict Holland wrote:
> Oh sorry. I typed it out rather than copying the error. The sml should read
> xml. The paths are correct and uima appears to find the annotator but it
> throws an error on save.
> On Tue, May 14, 2019 at 11:48 AM Andrew Trice <atr...@clinacuity.com> wrote:
>> Your file suffix is “sml"
>>> On May 14, 2019, at 11:45 AM, Benedict Holland <
>> benedict.m.holl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I have a java annotator called annotators.SentenceSplittingAnnotator with
>>> an associated xml descriptor. When I define the "Name of the Java class
>>> file", I browse and select "annotators.SentenceSplittingAnnotator". I
>> then
>>> go to save the xml file and I get the following error:
>>> The Descriptor is invalid for the following reason:
>>> ResourceInitilizationException: the class
>>> annotators.SentenceSplittingAnnotator could not be found. (Descriptor:
>>> file:/Sentencesplittingannotator.sml) caused by: ClassNotFoundException:
>>> annotators.SentenceSplittingAnnotator cannot be found by
>>> org.apache.uima.runtime_3.0.2.
>>> I updated to the latest version of uima 3.0.2 and eclipse to 2019-03. Any
>>> ideas what could be causing the problem?
>>> Thanks,
>>> ~Ben

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