Hi, everybody --

I'm evaluating Usergrid for our cloud services, and am starting to come to grips with it. I have a question about error handling.

I've noticed that the errors Usergrid returns seem somewhat inconsistent. For example, when attempting to GET an entity that doesn't exist directly from the collection (omitting org and app from path for clarity):

GET /things/ferrari

will return an error "entity_not_found", but attempting to GET the same entity through a connection where I "own" the entity:

GET /users/me/owns/things/ferrari

will return an "uncaught" error, with error_description "Internal Server Error."

Is this intentional? I was expecting to get an "entity_not_found" error in both cases, as I think this would be a pretty common situation to have in a system where entities are created and deleted dynamically.

(If /things/ferrari actually exists and I own it, both queries return it as expected, so that's cool.)

If I've understood the design intent behind Usergrid correctly, these connections are extremely important because I can map permissions to them. Therefore it's not always possible to access objects directly under the collection, as the user may only have permission to access objects through a connection (e.g. "owns"). I like this scheme a lot, it's simple, intuitive, yet powerful.

If I've misunderstood something, I would greatly appreciate being set straight.

Thanks in advance,


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