If you don't want a separate gateway or proxy, then one approach to adding
Custom APIs is to code them directly into Usergrid.

You could do that by cloning our Git repo and adding new JAX-RS resource
classes for the new end-points you need. There are some drawbacks to this
approach, e.g. you have to build the Usergrid stack anytime you want to
build your Custom APIs and you might have merge issues as the Usergrid code
base changes overtime.

My preferred approach would be to create new Maven web application project
and include the Usergrid WAR as a Maven WAR "Overlay" dependency. You would
have to build the Usergrid stack project once on your machine first, so
that the Usergrid WAR file gets placed into your local Maven repo.

More information on Maven WAR overlays:

Hope that helps.


On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 2:57 AM Sushant Khanna <sushantkhanna1...@gmail.com>

> Hi
> I am currently evaluating use of Usergrid for a platform I am building.
> I would ideally like to wrap Usergrid with some Custom API's running
> business logic.
> What would be a good and relatively easy decoupled approach for this ?
> I would prefer not to deploy another full fledged API gateway micro
> service.
> Thanks
> Sushant Khanna

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