Greetings --

We need to count things in our application for usage tracking and invoicing purposes. A quick bit of Googling revealed that at least in the past, there had been problems with counter reliability in Usergrid (f.ex. this thread:!msg/usergrid/nujlQml67PY/wt2kZJvcxc4J ). So, two questions:

(1) Have these problems been resolved in Usergrid 2? I.e. are the counters now considered reliable enough for production use?

(2) Are Usergrid counters built using Cassandra's counters, or does it do it some other way?

(Asking question 2 because we are aware of the issues with counters in Cassandra 1, which appear to have been solved "well enough" in Cassandra 2.)

Thanks in advance,


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