Thanks, Claude,

That's probably what I'll end up doing.  Either one time or possibly do it
dynamically in a custom resource loader.
(The problem is these files are all spread out in different accounts with
different authors and versioning).


On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 1:11 AM, Claude Brisson <> wrote:

> You can alter your templates to match the new syntax, something like:
> find . -name "*.vtl" | xargs sed -ri -e
> "s/\\\$([a-z.\(\)]+)(\[[^\]+])/$\{\1\}\2/g"
> so that every reference which is followed by square brackets will be
> enclosed in curly brackets.
>  Claude
> On 2011-06-01 09:44, Sergey Maslov wrote:
>> No ideas...
>> On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 9:26 AM, Will Glass-Husain
>> <>  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I just did a test upgrade of a site from Velocity 1.6.2 to Velocity 1.7.
>>>  A
>>> number of my templates started to fail because they included square
>>> brackets.   (Ironically, we discovered this soon after I finished
>>> describing
>>> to my coworkers the project's obsessive stance on backwards
>>> compatibility).
>>> My pages often reference mathematical values, and the bracket is a common
>>> part of the text.
>>> This used to work
>>> #for($var in $varList)
>>>       $abc[sub1]
>>> #end
>>> which would print something like
>>>   Sales[sub1]
>>>   Revenue[sub1]
>>>   Cost[sub1]
>>> etc
>>> Now it gives a parse error.
>>> I see that ${abc}[sub1] keeps the old behavior.  However, searching our
>>> site
>>> there have 40+ pages with many of these now illegal references.  (Many by
>>> other authors).
>>> Any suggestions as to how I can keep the backwards compatible parsing
>>> behavior?
>>> I'll dig into the Velocity code, see if I can think of anything helpful.
>>> But just wanted to check if others had ideas.
>>> WILL
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