The API of SchemaProperty.getMaxOccurs() states: "     * Returns the maxOccurs 
value for this particle, or null if it     * is unbounded." It's a design 
choice. If we returned MAX_INT then we wouldn't e able to handle the case when 
maxOccurs is > MAX_INT, right? If you are not worried about that case, just use 
SchemaProperty.getIntMaxOccurs() which will indeed return MAX_INT for the 
"unbounded" case. Fair enough?


        From: Ole Matzura [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 2:31 AM
        Subject: SchemaProperty returning null for maxOccurs = unbounded



        I'm having an problem where a SchemaProperty retrieved with 
getElementProperties() for an element with maxOccurs="unbounded" returns null 
from getMaxOccurs().. shouldn't it return MAX_INT or something? The underlying 
SchemaTypeSystem was created dynamically from an xsd with XmlBeans.compileXsd 
and not from an precompiled jar/xsb (if that should matter..)


        Thanks for any reply!





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