Hi Andreas,

Thank you for your quick answer. I didn't want to go too deep on the
details but I guess I have to :)

On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 3:14 PM, Andreas Loew <andreas.l...@oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi Dridi,
> Am 28.01.2013 14:57, schrieb Dridi Boukelmoune:
>> I'm having trouble building a project on Linux because of the classes
>> generated by XmlBeans. The build works properly on a Solaris platform
>> using the same tools:
>> Java : Hotspot 1.5.0_16
>> Ant : 1.6.5
>> XmlBeans:
>> For the XmlBeans version, it comes with Weblogic 10.0:
>> com.bea.core.xml.beaxmlbeans_2.3.1.0.jar
>> com.bea.core.xquery.xmlbeans-interop_1.0.0.0.jar
>> com.bea.core.xquery.beaxmlbeans-interop_1.0.0.0.jar
>> com.bea.core.xml.xmlbeans_2.3.1.0.jar
>> I hope my problem is not related to Weblogic's version.
> I don't think so (see below for the details) - I rather tend to think that
> this is a locale/encoding issue in the XSD and/or between those platforms.
>> So I have an XSD file containing something like:
>> <simpleType name="MyType">
>>          <restriction base="string">
>>                  <enumeration value="A cliché"></enumeration>
>>                  ...
>>          </restriction>
>> </simpleType>
>> With Linux, I get this output:
>> static final Enum A_CLICHÉ = Enum.forString("A cliché");
>> On the other hand, it produces this on Solaris:
>> static final Enum A_CLICH\311 = Enum.forString("A clich\351");
>> The java source code generated on Linux doesn't compile because of an
>> encoding mess I can't address now, so I'm currently trying to
>> understand how the code is generated. I haven't found yet which option
>> leads to either one or the other output that could have different
>> defaults based on the platform.
>> I hope someone can help me on this one.
> Most probably, sorting out your locale/character encoding issues should
> solve the issue.
> First and foremost: Does the XSD in question with the French é include an
> encoding declaration? Such as
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <xs:schema>
>     (...)
> </xs:schema>

Yes it states a wrong UTF-8 encoding when it's actually ISO-8859-15.

> If it does not, you need to explicitly mention the appropriate encoding of
> that file in this place to make this portable.
> If you don't, I expect the XMLBeans code generator to use the system's
> default locale, which will be calculated on Unix platforms from environment
> variables such as LANG, LC_CTYPE etc.?

LANG and LC_CTYPE are used, and part of the encoding mess I was
talking about. A mess because the locale names aren't the same on
Solaris and Linux (locale -a | grep fr_FR). And a mess because we have
a (complicated) shell script that drives the ant build a prepares a
proper environment depending on the project we're building.

> Do you call scomp from the command line, or do you use Ant or Maven to call
> the code generator?

That would be ant.

> Also, how did you transport/copy the source code from the Solaris to the
> Linux machine? Did you copy files in binary mode, or using scp (which might
> have done recoding of text files on the fly based on language/encoding
> settings on source and target machine)? So you should check that your XSD
> files on both machines indeed are binary identical.

It's the same shell script that does a svn checkout after setting the
environment. So LANG and LC_CTYPE are set before the checkout and the
ant build.

> I hope that you should be able to simply add the appropriate encoding to
> your XSD and be fine.

All the projects are built from ISO-8859-15 java sources. Also this is
an old legacy ant project, without any dependency management like ivy.
There is one single project that is built from UTF-8 java sources. It
has a dependency on common classes generated from a bogus ISO-8859-15
XSD. So it builds on Solaris (a miracle) because the java code is
escaped, which results in a simple ASCII file, compatible with UTF-8.

I can't modify the source code for contractual reasons, the only thing
I can do so far is tweaking the environment. That's why I was
wondering if it could be some feature with a default value varying on
the platform (environment variable, system property, jvm flag...).

Best Regards,

> Hope this helps & best regards,
> Andreas
> --
> Andreas Loew | Senior Java Architect
> Oracle Advanced Customer Services
> ORACLE Germany

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