Messages by Thread
[xstream-user] XStreram moved to GitHub
Jörg Schaible
[xstream-user] Question on nesting
Abhiram Panyam
[xstream-user] Question on serialization
Abhiram Panyam
[xstream-user] Unable to create new JIRA entry
Neubauer. Rico
[xstream-user] XStream keeps XPath refs to ints, doubles, other Immutables
Geoff Groos
[xstream-user] Re: XStream keeps XPath refs to ints, doubles, other Immutables
Jörg Schaible
Re: [xstream-user] Re: XStream keeps XPath refs to ints, doubles, other Immutables
Geoff Groos
[xstream-user] Re: Re: XStream keeps XPath refs to ints, doubles, other Immutables
Jörg Schaible
Re: [xstream-user] Re: Re: XStream keeps XPath refs to ints, doubles, other Immutables
Geoff Groos
[xstream-user] Re: XStream keeps XPath refs to ints, doubles, other Immutables
Geoff Groos
[xstream-user] Re: XStream keeps XPath refs to ints, doubles, other Immutables
Jörg Schaible
Re: [xstream-user] Re: XStream keeps XPath refs to ints, doubles, other Immutables
Geoff Groos
[xstream-user] Re: Re: XStream keeps XPath refs to ints, doubles, other Immutables
Jörg Schaible
[xstream-user] XStream fails to de-serialize java.util.HashSet
Tobias Gierke
[xstream-user] XStream: is it possible to re-set alias on the fly?
Alex Y. Matiash
[xstream-user] java.time does not appear to serialize/deserialize properly
Geoff Groos
[xstream-user] Help unmarshalling Collection/TreeSet
[xstream-user] Using XStream 1.4.8 in android 4.4 fails.
Bruce Link
[xstream-user] handle xml empty tag
[xstream-user] [ANN] XStream 1.4.8 released
Jörg Schaible
[xstream-user] Make UUID an Immutable type by default
Geoff Groos
[xstream-user] ISO8601GregorianCalendarConverter invalid conversion between time zones
Jason Steenstrapickens
[xstream-user] Question about Using XStream
[xstream-user] 2 Doubts
Fabio Ebner
[xstream-user] Lambda deserialization failing with XStream 1.4.7 and JDK 1.8ea40 (64-bit)
Tobias Gierke
[xstream-user] XStream Json / OSGi application with jdk 1.4
Brice Vandeputte
[xstream-user] specifying the comparator for TreeSetConverter
Amit Basu
[xstream-user] ISO8601DateConverter without milliseconds
Brian C. Huffman
[xstream-user] xstream issue report
Andrey Rahimov
[xstream-user] Change a HashMap to TreeMap -> don't specify a Comparator?
Spence, Jamie
[xstream-user] Streaming (large) data
Martin Renner
[xstream-user] Disable attribute escapping
Pedro Santos
[xstream-user] Problem with unmarshall data (com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter$UnknownFieldException)
Petr Adamec
[xstream-user] XStream Worked Great
[xstream-user] Xstream difference in behaviour between android 4.1 and 4.3
Charles Colbourn
[xstream-user] Problem using the NamedMapconverter
Johann Kerdal
[xstream-user] About XStream mode accuracy in javadoc and performances
Philippe Mouawad
[xstream-user] xstream multi thread issue.
Huang, Ming
[xstream-user] Android XSTREAM W/dalvikvm no implementation found for native Ldalvik/system/VMRuntime;.pauseGc:(Ljava/lang/String; )I on Samsung device]
[xstream-user] Android XSTREAM W/dalvikvm o implementation found for native Ldalvik/system/VMRuntime;.pauseGc:(Ljava/lang/String; )I on Samsung device]
[xstream-user] Calling context.convertAnother vs directly calling marshal/unmarshal
Gabriel Rossetti
[xstream-user] Using XStream with class hierarchy in Java 8 gives incorrect results
Lesley Perkins
[xstream-user] Unexpected parsing error in CDATA block
Sebastien Degardin
[xstream-user] Duplicate Class Names/Aliases
Ken Goudey
[xstream-user] xStream changes order of objects in write/readObject with JSON serialization
Анатолий Инсапов
[xstream-user] Mapping JSON to XML without Java Objects
Lewis John Mcgibbney
[xstream-user] Implicit Collection where collection is a generic type
Gabriel Rossetti
[xstream-user] sorting xml
[xstream-user] ActionScript3 port of XStream
[xstream-user] basic unmarshall question
[xstream-user] JavaBeanConverter vs @XStreamAsAttribute
Lethal Possum
[xstream-user] Map<String,Set<String>> | Convert To XML
[xstream-user] Class member variables as attribute to itself
[xstream-user] What is Benefit of Converter?
[xstream-user] Namespace id attributes
Geoffrey De Smet
[xstream-user] @XStreamImplicit() for a field which is not a collection
Geoffrey De Smet
[xstream-user] Externalizable & readResolve
Trumbo, Derek
[xstream-user] Custom Serializer Issue
Robert Feustel
[xstream-user] Need help with a custom converter
[xstream-user] weird xstream problem
[xstream-user] Set both collection name and item name
Paul B. Anderson
[xstream-user] Using CollectionConverter with @XStreamConverter
[xstream-user] Custom hashCode and damaged collections after load
Алексеев Сергей
[xstream-user] Unknown field exception
Anjib Mulepati
[xstream-user] RE: 1.4 JVM version
Seco Sáiz , José Ramón
[xstream-user] preserving the spaces after deserialization