On 3/7/2018 1:21 PM, Jeff Widman wrote:
> +1 from me to using Java 8 or even going all the way to 9 for the 3.5
> release branch.

I don't think it would be a good idea to require Java 9 at this time. 
It's probably already an uphill battle for sysadmins to get approval to
jump ONE major version.  Getting approval to upgrade through TWO major
versions might prove to be very difficult for some.

A year from now, after Java 8 goes end of support, might be the time to
have that discussion.

I have no idea what kind of overall roadmap there is for ZK major
versions.  Maybe nobody has planned that far ahead.

Ordinarily I would say that requiring a new major Java version should
happen in a major release, which would mean requiring Java 8 with the
4.0 release and Java 9 with the 5.0 release.  But I know that ZK has a
very slow release cycle -- multiple months between *point* releases, and
far longer between minor releases.  I don't even know what kind of cycle
there is for major releases.  Maybe because of the slow release cycle,
waiting for 4.0 would just take too long.  So here's an alternate idea:
require Java 8 in 3.6.x and Java 9 in whatever minor or major release
comes after 3.6.

For comparison purposes -- Lucene/Solr usually puts out a new minor
release every few weeks.  Point releases usually are VERY quick after a
minor release, and typically are only created for really massive bugs.


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