We have a live Zookeeper environment (quorum size is 2) and observed a strange 
Kafka created 2 ephemeral nodes /brokers/ids/822712429 and 
/brokers/ids/707577499 on 2018-03-12 03:30:36.933
The Kafka clients were long gone but as of today, the two ephemeral nodes are 
still present

1) Lists the outstanding sessions and ephemeral nodes
$ echo dump | nc $SERVER1 2181
SessionTracker dump:
ephemeral nodes dump:
Sessions with Ephemerals (2):

2) stat on /brokers/ids/822712429
zk> stat /brokers/ids/822712429
czxid: 4294967344
mzxid: 4294967344
pzxid: 4294967344
ctime: 1520825436933 (2018-03-11T20:30:36.933-0700)
mtime: 1520825436933 (2018-03-11T20:30:36.933-0700)
version: 0
cversion: 0
aversion: 0
owner: 99668799174148099
datalen: 102
children: 0

3) List full connection/session details for all clients connected
$ echo cons | nc $SERVER1 2181

$ echo cons | nc $SERVER2 2181

4) health
$ echo mntr | nc $SERVER1 2181
zk_version      3.4.6-1569965, built on 02/20/2014 09:09 GMT
zk_avg_latency  0
zk_max_latency  443
zk_min_latency  0
zk_packets_received     11158019
zk_packets_sent 11158244
zk_num_alive_connections        2
zk_outstanding_requests 0
zk_server_state follower
zk_znode_count  344
zk_watch_count  0
zk_ephemerals_count     3
zk_approximate_data_size        36654
zk_open_file_descriptor_count   33
zk_max_file_descriptor_count    65536

5) Could not find any special exception from zookeeper logs about the two 

Is this a known bug in version 3.4.6? what could be the potential cause of the 


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