Hi Zookeeper community, we had a system issue and we hit max buffer limit on zk 
side, Now to analyze I am trying to set up zk from snapshot that has big znode 
in it. When I start the standalone zk I get:
2018-09-18 10:21:13,358 [myid:] - INFO  [main:Util@190] - Invalid snapshot 
/path/tmp/version-2/snapshot.520000fe8e len = 808529968 byte = 56

I tried various ways to set -Djute.maxbuffer=1610612736 but still get the same 
I changed zoo.cfg and added following line:

and created zookeeper-env.sh file under conf directory where zoo.cfg and the 
file content is:
JVMFLAGS="$JVMFLAGS -Djute.maxbuffer=1610612736"

Also created java.env file under conf dir and it has:
export JVMFLAGS="-Djute.maxbuffer=1610612736"

still no luck.

I tried to change zkServer.sh to have -Djute.maxbuffer=1610612736 as extra jvm 
param without any luck.

On solr page it mentions 3 ways which I tried without any luck. 

Anybody has any idea what I might be doing wrong.


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