I've submitted https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AMQ-5362 to capture
this issue, and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AMQ-5361 to capture
the ability to use more than one slow consumer strategy at the same time
(since it's unlikely that anyone would want to identify slow consumers
based solely on whether messages were timing out before they were processed
by the consumer, and instead people would probably want a hybrid approach).


On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 3:25 PM, Tim Bain <tb...@alumni.duke.edu> wrote:

> We're sending non-persistent messages to a topic where some consumers may
> sometimes be slow.  We've configured a slowConsumerStrategy of
> AbortSlowConsumerStrategy to disconnect any consumers that happen to be
> slow.  The detection of a slow consumer relies on there being at least 2x
> the consumer's pre-fetch buffer size in unprocessed messages: the
> consumer's pre-fetch buffer must be full, and the broker must have at
> least that many additional messages that haven't yet been dispatched to the
> consumer.
> I would have expected that if messages expire before the consumer manages
> to get around to consuming them, that those messages would count against
> the consumer when determining slowness (after all, they're expiring
> precisely because the consumer is too slow to get to them before they
> expire), but I don't see that happening in my testing with an
> intentionally-slow consumer.
> Instead, my consumer spends more time processing the first message than
> the messages' time to live (configured via Camel's timeToLive URI
> parameter), while the other messages time out and are removed from the
> topic.  As long as the slow consumer detection thread doesn't run before
> the messages finish getting expired, then when it does run, it sees that
> the consumer's got a full pre-fetch buffer but the broker doesn't have any
> additional pending messages, and it declares the consumer to not be slow,
> even though the consumer was so slow that messages expired while it was out
> to lunch.
> I had expected that ActiveMQ would track whether any messages had been
> expired since the last time we checked whether their consumer was slow, and
> if so we'd consider the consumer slow irrespective of the number of
> unprocessed messages anywhere in the pipeline.  (That would ensure that the
> consumer wouldn't be slow forever just because it let some messages expire
> long ago.  As long as no more messages expired after the first slow
> consumer detection check, the expiredMessagesSinceLastSlowConsumerCheck
> flag would be false the next time we checked for slow consumers, and we'd
> determine whether the consumer was slow based solely on the number of
> unprocessed messages in the pipeline, as we do now.)
> Is there a way to make ActiveMQ work the way I expected it would, and I
> just haven't found it?  If not, is there a reason it works the way it does
> rather than the way I expected it would, other than that my way is harder
> to implement and no one's spent the time to implement it?  That is, is
> there any reason why we wouldn't want the functionality as I expected it
> would work (or at least, the ability to choose between the two approaches,
> based on whether you expected non-slow consumers to always process messages
> before they expired or not)?
> If the functionality I described doesn't exist and is something we'd want
> to include, I can submit a JIRA to implement it.
> Thanks,
> Tim

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