The priorityBackup=true URI option for the failover transport does exactly
what you want.
On Nov 16, 2014 4:39 PM, "atomicx6637" <> wrote:

> I have the following environment and would like some feedback on the
> configuration I currently have.
> I have 2 MuleESB (mulep01, mulep02) servers which run applications that
> produce and consume messages from my 2 ActiveMQ servers (amqp01, amqp02).
> The applications on the 2 mule server use
> "failover://(tcp://amqp01:61616,tcp://amqp02:61616)?randomize=false" to
> connect to the queues.
> I have my 2 ActiveMQ servers setup as a Network of Brokers by adding this
> to
> their respective config files:
> amqp01
>                 <networkConnectors>
>                   <networkConnector uri="static:(tcp://amqp02:61616)"/>
>                 </networkConnectors>
> amqp02
>                 <networkConnectors>
>                   <networkConnector uri="static:(tcp://amqp01:61616)"/>
>                 </networkConnectors>
> I have tested the failover of the ActiveMQ servers and the MuleServers seem
> to pick everything  up and will failover to amqp02 when amqp01 is not
> available and will fail back to amqp01 once available and amqp02 fails.
> My first question is, *is there a way to automatically failback to amqp01
> when it becomes available or do you just wait for a restart of the producer
> and consumers?*
> Second question with a lead in, I'm concerned about my 2 mule servers
> pointing at different ActiveMQ servers if they are recycled and one of the
> ActiveMQ server is unavailable at the time.  For example: if I cycle
> mulep01
> and the primary server amp01 is not available it will fail over to amp02,
> if
> I think cycle mulep02 and the primary server amp01 is available it will
> connect to amp01, now I have 2 mule servers pointing at 2 different
> ActiveMQ
> servers.  I could see this happening during monthly updates to our servers.
> I have tested this and it seems to still forward the messages to amp01 from
> amp02 even though mulep02 is connected and has consumers on amp02.
> So my question is,* is this a concern? how should I be managing this? Do I
> need to change my ActiveMQ configuration.*
> Any help on this would be great.
> Thanks
> Troy
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