On Fri, 9 Oct 2015 10:49:51 -0400, Timothy Bish
<tabish...@gmail.com> wrote:

>On 10/09/2015 10:37 AM, spamtrap wrote:
>> On Mon, 21 Sep 2015 15:34:17 +0100, spamtrap
>> <nospam.1.friedbad...@spamgourmet.com> wrote:
>>> ActiveMQ-CPP 3.9.0
>>> A program is blocking waiting for a lock:
>>> #0  0x000000367980b5bc in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
>>>   from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
>>> #1  0x00007fcab6c6c006 in (anonymous namespace)::doMonitorEnter (
>>>    monitor=0x26f63b0, thread=0x2605960)
>>>    at decaf/internal/util/concurrent/Threading.cpp:662
>>> #2  0x00007fcab6cf345b in decaf::util::concurrent::Lock::lock (
>>>    this=0x7fffe1a00890) at decaf/util/concurrent/Lock.cpp:54
>>> #3  0x00007fcab6cf3575 in decaf::util::concurrent::Lock::Lock (
>>>    this=<value optimized out>, object=<value optimized out>,
>>>    intiallyLocked=<value optimized out>) at
>>> decaf/util/concurrent/Lock.cpp:32
>>> #4  0x00007fcab69f2293 in
>>> activemq::core::FifoMessageDispatchChannel::stop (
>>>    this=0x26c2c50) at
>>> activemq/core/FifoMessageDispatchChannel.cpp:123
>>> How can I find out what is holding onto this lock?
>> I could really do with some help here.  I am trying to close a
>> consumer and it hangs forever.

>Your best bet is to create a test case that reproduces the problem.  A
>stack trace from one thread is not enough to even guess what is going on
>in your application here so it would be hard for anyone to offer any
>meaningful help.

This is not easy because it's very difficult to reproduce the problem
and I'm really not very sure what triggers it, but it does happen on a
client's system.  In general terms is it safe to close a consumer
object at any time?  And how can I find out what is holding onto the

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