On Fri, 11 Mar 2016 14:53:09 +0000, "James A. Robinson"
<j...@highwire.org> wrote:

>The TIME_WAIT state indicates both sides of the connection have shut down
>the socket cleanly and now the OS is waiting for some period of time before
>it will allow that socket to be reused.   This is to prevent the
>possibility of a delayed packet on a previous session corrupting a
>subsequent session.
>When I asked earlier about how frequently "it performs this action" what I
>was intending to ask was "how frequently does your client send a message"?

I'd guess 2-4 per second (it's called by a script)

>If it sends many messages per second, you may be running out of sockets in
>the ephemeral port range.  Are there tens of thousands of sockets showing
>up in netstat -nt (sockets of any state, not just TIME_WAIT)?  I think
>Solaris typically allocates a range of 32k sockets for the client side of

Only about 300-400 sockets in use.

>I think you can get the port range by using ndd to query the current values:
>/usr/sbin/ndd /dev/tcp tcp_smallest_anon_port tcp_largest_anon_port


>If you have at, or close to, <largest> - <smallest> sockets listed by
>netstat, you're probably running out of sockets in that range.
>If that's the case, I can think of a few possible solutions:
>1. increase the size of the range
>2. decrease the TIME_WAIT time
>3. redesign your client to use fewer sockets (e.g, batching messages)
>This might be helpful to read: http://www.sean.de/Solaris/soltune.html

Thanks - I'll read this.

>Anyway, this is just a theory based on the error message, it may very well
>be some other problem.
>On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 3:55 AM spamtrap <
>nospam.1.friedbad...@spamgourmet.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, 10 Mar 2016 16:13:32 +0000, "James A. Robinson"
>> <j...@highwire.org> wrote:
>> It happens infrequently and unpredictibly.  For example sometimes it
>> fails after 25 times and sometimes it works for several 100 before
>> going wrong.
>> Another thing is that program works OK on Linux.  It's only on Solaris
>> that this problem arrises.
>> netstat does show a lot of connections in TIME_WAIT state.  I don't
>> know what control I have over the closedown -- I assume this is done
>> internally by ActiveMQ-CPP?

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