Since we're advancing in our tests and Apache Artemis seems to suit our needs
most, a couple of questions I have not yet been able to find in the Artemis
User Manual (which has been a great resource, so far; very well written

- We run Artemis in a master/slave configuration, with each node in a
serparate datacenter. We have two datacenters, with two physically
distinguished network paths; Is it possible to setup replication so, that
both paths will be used for replication, so that if one path fails, the
broker will avoid a split brain situation (as it sees the live broker over
the other network interface and use that one instead for replication... or
use the replication lan for replication (and the primary lan only in case
the replication lan fails) I'm thinking such a setup would be possible by
using two connectors to the same broker in the cluster configuration.
- When I SIGKILL a broker (for testing, no worries) I see it takes the slave
about two minutes to become live. Even if I set the following two options in
the cluster configuration <check-period>2000</check-period>,
<notification-interval>1000</notification-interval>; Is there a way to
influence this behavior? If not, is there a reason I should not want that?

- Given that Artemis will continue releases... What is the upgrade path from
one version to the other? (provided that the upgrade path is unsafe?) I
assume this will be along the following lines
+ (place binaries and stop all brokers in the cluster)
+ artemis data exp (this goes to stdout?)
+ artemis create ... 
+ artemis data imp --input <file from data exp>
+ (start the brokers in the cluster)

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