On Feb 25, 2018 3:02 AM, "Rajesh Malla" <mallara...@gmail.com> wrote:


if we remove addDynamicallyIncludedDestination, then not only queue, even
topic messages also replicated to another broker
am I right ? this is the only reason we just want to restrict to some

we dont want any of ActiveMq.Advisory.  topics to be replicated.

If you don't forward advisory messages, you can't do dynamic forwarding of
destinations, and you have to configure everything statically, which is
what the two other posters in that other message thread were trying to do.
See http://activemq.apache.org/advisory-message.html for more information
on what advisory messages are, and for the warning about needing to
statically configure your network if you turn them off.

bcz we dont
know what other things go wrong.

That sounds like FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt), which is a poor reason
for any decision. The only downside to forwarding advisory messages is a
small amount of extra network traffic and a small amount of extra CPU use
on the brokers. The cost is more complicated configuration, and to me that
is by far the higher cost. My advice is to just forward the advisory

If nothing happens even if we dont provide addDynamicallyIncludedDestination
then we are ok otherwise as much as possible we want to restrict by using

also by default bridgeTempDestinations is true, still message from
tempDestinations are not replicating.

Did you explicitly exclude the advisory topics, or just not explicitly
include them? If you don't see the corresponding advisory topic pass a
message when a consumer conn, you'll never see the real destination pass
one (unless you switch to static configuration, and I don't recommend that
based on what you've told us so far). So if you want to troubleshoot this,
start with the advisory messages.

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