
First, I want to let you know that although it's possible to edit/delete
mailing list posts on the Nabble site after you've posted them, the edits
are not sent out to the mailing list via email, so anyone (like me) who
works primarily from email will not see the changes you make. So the best
workflow is the only one that will work for both modes: treat posts as
uneditable once they're sent initially, and make any corrections or
additions to them by creating follow-on posts. If you choose to edit/delete
posts once they're initially created, it will be harder for me (and anyone
else using a workflow based on email) to support you.

With that out of the way, I'm struggling to understand exactly what your
question is. Clearly a portion of your question is why your clients are
being disconnected from your broker, and I'll come to that in the next
paragraph, but is that the only question? You started out asking about why
certain properties on your messages were null, but you've not asked about
that in several posts; is that issue resolved? You then asked about why
your pooled connections were failing due to "channel has already failed;"
is that issue still relevant? You also asked (in posts that you've since
removed from the Nabble site) something about blockingQueue and its
relationship to dynamic destination inclusion in a network of brokers; does
the fact that you've removed that content from the Nabble site mean that it
also is no longer a question you need answers to?

For the question of why your connections are being disconnected, the
InactivityIOException that you added to the Nabble post on 3/24 seems to
indicate that the connection is being terminated because it's been inactive
for longer than the inactivity timeout interval allows. Do you have the
inactivity monitor enabled? If so, what settings are you using, on both
sides of the connection? Details about the inactivity monitor and how it's
configured can be found at

Have you confirmed that the firewall between your client and your broker is
not filtering out any traffic between these two processes. If you haven't
confirmed that every byte is making it through in both directions, I'd
suggest you make that a priority.

BTW, there was no file named jstack.out containing a thread dump attached
to your message either in email or in the Nabble post. If it's still
relevant to your question, can you please re-send that?


On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 4:12 AM, Rajesh Malla <mallara...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you Tim
> for this IOException, we have not observed any reasonable exceptions on
> broker [ producer ] side.
> attached thread dump jstack.out. Can you please look into and help.
> --
> Sent from: http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/ActiveMQ-User-
> f2341805.html

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