
We have been using ActiveMQ 5.x (upgraded to 5.14 last year) for our product
which is in production for 3years. We have been facing stability issues with
replicated LevelDB store(it was deprecated by community after we went live
with LevelDB, we have stuck to it as we accomplished HA through replicated
message store which is not available in KahaDB). Now we have reached a
threshold point where we can't withstand any further LevelDB corrupt and
lose the messages store over there.

We are looking for the possible way forward to solve this and it would be
great if the community can help us on identifying the right solution.

Just a high level picture on our architecture. We have 3 brokers running in
three machines with N number of producers and N number of consumers which
can be scaled independently. 3 instance of brokers are maintained to provide
HA using replicated LevelDB, so that even at 2 node failure, message queue
is available with zero loss of messages.

1) Replace LevelDB with KahaDB and use Hadoop NFS (Faster than traditional
NFS provided by hadoop distributor MapR) to persist KahaDB data. So that
even if two of the broker goes down, the other broker can work on the data
available through Hadoop NFS. I guess it would same as Shared File Storage,
so this should work. Please confirm.

2) Replace ActiveMQ 5.x with ActiveMQ Artemis. I can understand from the
Artemis documents that the replicated message store option is available. If
Artemis is chosen, we are speculating about the code changes and efforts
required to adapt the same when it will be release as ActiveMQ 6.x. Please
en light me on these.

Subash Kunjupillai
Sent from: http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/ActiveMQ-User-f2341805.html

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